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Chillzips treatment for cannabis panic attacks.

What is Panic Stopper?


Panic Stopper™ is a specially formulated herbal extract with potent properties. It is designed to provide fast relief for people who suffer from Cannabis Induced Anxiety.

Panic Stopper™ comes in a bottle that fits right in your pocket! It is finally here: Express therapy whenever you need it!


So how does Panic Stopper™ help?


The origin of panic

The phenomenon of panic dates back to pre-historic times. Imagine a man hunting in the Great Mountains coming across an aggressive tiger. He is afraid for his life. He promptly feels his heart pump faster and his lungs take in more air. Adrenaline floods his brain, his muscles tighten. The man has recognized a danger that mobilizes all of his body’s strength. He is prepared to fight the tiger or to flee quickly.


Today, this fight or flight response is a known physiological reaction to intense stress or fear. It causes changes throughout the body helping people achieve extraordinary performances and to escape unsafe situations. To put it differently, fear helps people protect their lives.


So how can you feel anxiety when there is no threat in sight?! Nowadays, you no longer have to run away from tigers. But life today is still stressful and stress is memorized by your body and brain. Certain causes can trigger that stress and set it free like an avalanche, which is then felt as an overwhelming panic.


It has long been known that THC, one of the active ingredients in marijuana, can be such a trigger. That’s the reason for your anxiety when using marijuana! Often this is confusing as you actually expected to relax … and now you’re getting nervous, not understanding this response at all! Of course, this in turn makes you feel even more anxious, and finally you end up with a full blown panic attack.


What you need now is for this feeling of paranoia to STOP. Your body needs to get out of this “fight or flight” mode so you can feel normal again!


This is where Panic Stopper™ comes in.


Panic Stopper™ contains powerful ingredients that have been tested and verified. It is an effective combination of herbal and mushroom extracts designed to help the body target anxiety and panic.


Within a few minutes you will relax and start to feel normal again. Now that your body is calm … your mind will follow. You might be a little exhausted but everything is ok! You’re back to feeling in control again. 
